Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Elizabeth Hoff, ULC

"Do Unto Others ..."

  • When artist/photographer Andres Serrano publicly exhibited a picture of a crucifix soaked in urine back in 1987, Christians all over America were aghast.  Cries of "Sacrilege! Blasphemy!" went up all throughout the land.


    The same thing happened again when Sinead O'Connor tore up a picture of the Pope on "Saturday Night Live" in 1992 -- Christians screamed bloody murder.  It happened yet again when artist Chris Ofili smeared feces on a portrait of the Virgin Mary in 1999.


    That said, did anyone REALLY expect Muslims to sit back quietly and tolerate an image of the Prophet being desecrated as part of a recent "Draw Mohammed Day" in Texas?


    The entire concept of "Draw Mohammed Day" is hateful and hypocritical.  No Christian would tolerate an image of Christ or the Virgin Mary being desecrated.  No Christian (at least, no Christian in their right mind) would think of spray painting swastikas on the side of a synagogue.


    That said, since when do we as Christians have a license to trample upon images that MUSLIMS consider sacred?


    How much bloodshed could have been avoided with a show of respect towards our Muslim neighbors and their traditions?  Certain Christians expect Muslims to accept treatment that they themselves would never tolerate.


    There is nothing to be gained by knowingly engaging in reckless, hateful, and provocative behavior.

1 comment
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira There is nothing to be gained by knowingly engaging in reckless, hateful, and provocative behavior.

    December 12, 2016