Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev.Giovanni Guerriero

Is a helping hand your motto

  • Today May 1st 2015,

               This is the first of hopefully many blogs about charity and giving all you can and more.  Todays topic is spoken charity.

    I have seen it many times someone in need and getting a harsh "GET A JOB!" when they are visably poor and can use a shower but lets take a moment to put ourselves in those shoes for an hour. You've lost everything: Home,Job,Family, Car. You find yourself waking up brushing the leaves off you that have blown over you as you sleep in a ditch to stay warm. You search your pockets for enough change to maybe get something to eat only to find about $.47 and some lint from yesterday. You go to a gas station to try and clean up but the attendant says "Paying Customers only man, Get lost." so you splash a little water from the gutter over your face to clean the dirt off and go to the nearest shopping center to try and get enough to eat and you hear  "Oh my he's so filthy! Why doesnt he bathe?" and "Sorry i'm broke." as you watch them leave in their brand new car with $200 worth of new clothes and shoes while you stick your toe outta the side of your shoe. Afew charitable people get into their pockets to give you a little change but $1.68 is all you make in 3 hours of walking and trying to get food so you buy a dollar burger and eat for the day and thank the people that helped you that day.

    Now Here is the business owners perspective: "Every morning that BUM comes here asking for change from my customers and smelling like a septic yard the cops need to arrest him and get him away from here."

    And The Passerby: "UGH get away from me you smelly thing."

    and finally the CHARITABLE PERSON: "Hey, You, Yeah come here. Here i know its not much but its all i have please. God bless you and be safe!"

    and the thought running thru your mind is????