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Saroya Fanniel (Goddess Nibiru)

THE DIVINE NATURE OF DANCE: Mind-Body-Spirit Integration

  • The separation of Mind-Body-Spirit is an illusion. The 'physical' can bring us into higher states of Consciousness by integrating the brain's left and right hemispheres, raising the frequency of our Bio-Energy Field (Aura) and increasing/altering brainwave patterns. That is why many cultures employ dance and music in their Spiritual rituals and celebrations. Drumming is particularly effective for bringing about ecstatic states of being. The rhythmic patterns induce brain entrainment, altering and raising wave frequency, and produce the gamma state (between 25 and 100 Hz). Gamma brain waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the "feeling of blessings", reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and being in "the Zone", a state of peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning, described by professional althletes.


    Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain - the gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second - not only that, but the entire brain is influenced by the gamma wave. This rapid "full sweep" action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being "in the Flow," that feeling that you are in synchronicity with everything and can do anything.


    Studies have shown that the integration of both hemispheres is essential for peak mental and physical performance and perception of 'reality'. One will achieve increased cognitive and intuitive abilities and levels of perception that can be described as 'extra-sensory'. It is the state where many experiences referred to as 'parannormal' take place such as Out of Body, Astral Projection, Channeling, Auto Writing and Remote Viewing. It's also been shown that 'coordinated movement' is just as effective, as rhythmic patterns and frequencies, in producing hemispheric integration.


    I have always found the Divine in Dance and Communal Dancing is one of the best ways to lift one's Spirit to new heights. I often suggest to my clients, who suffer from Mild to Moderate Depression and/or Anxiety Disorder, to enroll in some form of dance or movement class such as Yoga, T'ai Chi or even Belly Dancing. Going out to a dance club is one of the easiest ways to participate in this activety communally. The simplest and cheapest way? Put on a favorite record/tape/CD, grab the broom for a partner and Dance all over the house: up and down stairs, pirouetting through the hallways and around corners.


    Regardless of which way you choose to experience Dance make efforts to imerse yourself in every aspect of it. The music: its rhythym, intensity and dynamics. Your body: how your muscles stretch and contract; feel your feet upon the floor and the space around your body. Then pay attention to the interaction between the music and your body. Especially when doing it in your Living space: one part may inspire you to leap around while another section moves your arms in arcs and cirles. Give it a try and...keep it movin', my friends!!

1 comment
  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno I love it sister Saroya! You know it is a little known fact that each day throughout the day we enter states of both trance and hypnotism. These are just a few of the words that have been attached to our ability to reach higher vibrational/frequency level...  more
    June 6, 2015 - 1 likes this