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Rev. Lucinda McCollar

Unconditional Love

  • We have heard so much about unconditional love - love that is freely given without expecting anything in return. It can also be said that unconditional love is associated with terms such as true alturism, or complete love.  But do we really understand this concept?  

    While on one hand, we quote the sacred texts, "nothing can separate us from the love of God" - Romans 8:39; on the other hand we talk about God's judgment. 

    Jesus came to teach us about love. He mentioned how we are to love our enemies rather than hate them - Mt. 5:43-48. Jesus was teaching us the true meaning of unconditional love. Love for all, not only those who we feel are worthy of our love.

    I have read several different accounts of NDE, and they all have the same theme to them. "You are loved and can do no wrong." Many religious people debunk NDE because everyone "believers and non believers, gay or straight, sinners or saints" all report the same thing. And according to most people, "the Divine punishes the wicked" don't you know.

    It would appear that we put human limitations on the Divine. We don't want to love our enemies, we don't want to love those who we deem not worthy of our time. We attempt to justify our behavior by saying that the Divine would do the same. We use the Divine to make ourselves feel better about how we treat others.  It's rather convenient to overlook all the sacred texts in which Jesus is seen associating with "sinners".  

    It is easier to show unconditional love to others if we grasp the concept that we are all connected to the Divine. Every presence on earth - human, animal, plant, mineral - is a unique expression of the Creator. But we all come from the Divine and we all return to the Divine. Rather than trying to make the Divine fit into our way of thinking, we should elevate our consciousness to love the way the Divine does. 

  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno Absolutely wonderful writing on the subject Rev. Lucinda! It's awesome that we have come to a day and age whereby those who have experienced NDE (Near Death Experience) no longer are being silenced. Because of this openness we are now see groups of NDErs ...  more
    May 17, 2015 - 1 likes this
  •  Rev. Lucinda McCollar
    Rev. Lucinda McCollar That's why "Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander, M.D. is a wonderful account of NDE. He is a neurosurgeon who was clinically brain dead for seven days and he refutes other doctors and scientist claims about how NDEs are only in the brain. He furt...  more
    May 18, 2015