Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Anna Ruth Hollingsworth ULCM, ULC

The Wise and Foolish Virgins

  • Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones, when taking their lamps brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks with their lamps. Matthew 25:2-4 NAB

    The wise virgins were prepared for the possibiliy of an unexpected change. The wise virgins were prepared for the possibility of an unexpected change. Jesus tells us to be like the wise virgins not the foolish ones; we too should be prepared for unexpected changes. What does this mean practically? Stockpile supplies for the end of the world? Or prepare for the most likely events that might affect you, right where you are? The virgins prepared for the most likely event, one that was forseeable. Perfaps we too should do the same. The Red Cross suggests saving some supplies: enough for three days. After Katrina, perhaps that suggestion should be modified to two weeks. We have tornadoes in my part of the country; it isn't an "if" scenario, it's a "when" and "how bad". Barring damage to my home, I am ready to rely on myself until thins come under control - leaving disaster help groups with one less person to share the limited supplies. So be like the wise virgins: prepare for what is now - and never forget to prepare for the joy that is to come when our GOD turns time into eternity.