Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Anna Ruth Hollingsworth ULCM, ULC

Modern Temptations

  • There are several modern temptations that parallel the types of those Jesus encountered in the desert: 

    All of these sins have the one common thread of a false sense of entitlement. We believe we deserve everything we want. We believe that the world owes us. We believe that we can tell GOD what to do. 

    Turning the stones into bread: Personal comfort is the root of many of our temptations now, such as wanting more - bigger TVs, newer phones - when what we have is sufficient. More money means more things and more things mean more comfort. Why own one TV when you can have one in every room? Why not have a four bedroom house - when there's only two of you with no plans for more? Why not bigger fast food meals or huge all you can eat buffets? You deserve to eat all you want. Comfort has fast replaced GOD in our lives. We do not live "on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4 NIV) 

    Throwing down from the parapet: Rescue is the operative word here. Someone who doesn't have a job and is tired of looking for one just lets the government rescue him and pay him to be unemployed. The one with enormous debt doesn't work at decreasing it; he just files bankruptcy and the lawyer makes it all go away. The parishioner of a prosperity church follows whatever formula he's taught and expects his finances to suddenly bloom. The overeater expects the next new drug to bring him to a new, svelter body. Rescue has become the new prayer. Instead of "Do not put the Lord your God to the test," (Matt. 4:7 NIV) we throw ourselves off the parapet as a hobby. 

    Worshipping Satan: While most don't actually depend on Satan for their success, too many depend on their success to make them whole. We worship at the altar of the reality show, where any lucky person with the right angle can make money and be famous. You Tube can make you a star. Does it matter whether you're good at something or not? No, you just need enough hits and you're known around the world. Media has replaced GOD for many. "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." (Matt 4:10 NIV) Who does that anymore?