Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Joshua Freeman

Love for one another

  • I do not agree with slandering God, as a drunken God and althought I Love and respect Paganism, I don't belive in any anti-man or anti-women speech. We should all agree to disagree without vulgarity or unwholsome speech. I do agree however inappropriately it was put that man's law's are for men and God's laws are for the Truth and Those who Believe and have Faith in God. All religions are avenues to Heaven, but the Bible says that only Jesus is the way to the Father, in these words. John 14:6 "Jesus answered, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, no one comes to THE FATHER except through me. If you really KNOW ME, you would KNOW MY FATHER also. From now on you do know him and have seen him." This is Jesus speaking to THE APOSTLES. So let us all share in our common LOve for our God or the god, goddess, multiple of each that you serve and seek THE WAY to each of our Paradises and THE TRUTH that will get us there and THE LIFE that was given all of us from every religion as SACRED. And let us not HATE as THE ENEMY does but LOVE as God does. Please, my brother's and sister's we are Minister's Charged with a Sacred Charge to Love and Teach other's the same. So let us not allow Unwholsome speech from our mouth's or fingertips.


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