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Rev. Johnathon Smith

The Two Churches

  • I recently attended two different churches. I will not say which they were ore what denominations.  The first church was small. The pastor was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and talking a little about beans and cornbread. That really got my attention. The church was only about a third full and people here dressed casual for Sunday morning. The pastor talked about love and forgiveness. How we must forgive one another no matter how many times someone sins against us. He did not raise his voice or electrify the crowd but as he was talking you felt you were the one he was talking about. As he talked about how hard it is to let things go he offered a solution. Give it to Jesus and he will help you get over it

    The other church had several pastors in nice suits. The church was full and they were talking about the new expansions they were doing. The pastor gave an electrifying sermon full of fire and brimstone. He held his words he yield at the right times, he cried and he thanked Jesus. His sermon was about sinful flesh, how we all sinners and must be on the right side of Jesus when the time comes because we do not know when it will be here. What I did not hear was how to get on the right side of Jesus pondered why he would not go into detail and why everyone hung on his every word when he gave no answers. Why was it that church that gave no real answers was so full and one that did was so empty.

    The answer is simple. One church was giving the meat of Christ and the other was giving the milk of Christ. It is a much smaller group of people who will understand the meat of Christ. Some people will go to church all their lives, read the Bible many times and never move to the meat of Christ. They are not less Christian for it. Jesus spoke to crowed in parables but to his circle more direct as to what his teachings were. Those who attended his sermons loved him no less than his circle. Both churches are important in god plan. Salvation will come to all believers.

    I am curios what everyone thinks.