Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Michael Daily

I'm Ordained! Now What?

  • Mission: To open a Dialogue about being Ordained and what that means.

    It is My understanding that Ordained ULC Ministers can do every religious duty as any other Ordained Minister.  If that's the case, then what you do with your ordination is as vast, and as varied as religion itself. 

    So where do you begin?

    Some things to think about:

    Who am I? -  Your personality, beliefs, experiences, upbringing, etc. all play a part in who you'll be as a Minister.

    What issues/problems move me? - Ministers, and their Ministry(s), are called to Help in one way/shape/form/fashion.  Follow your Heart! The types of Ministry(s) to consider should be reflective of where your Heart is. 

    Where am I needed most? - Within the Ministry(s), consider where you'll have the greatest positive impact(s)? 

    How do I get started? -  This is one of the reasons for this Blog.  I'd start by asking other ministers who are doing the typ(s)e of ministry you're interested in doing.  Google and Youtube are also great resources to check.


    Please comment, ask/answer questions, share, make suggestions, etc.


    Rev. Michael Daily - Peace and Love!


  • Brother Tim Peacemaker
    Brother Tim Peacemaker Some times the ministry needs help. Issues? Yea the biggest issue is finding the truth. One mans truth is another mans lie. There are 45 + bibles out there and they all say they are the truth, the one thing I found out was that Love is the truth. The more...  more
    February 9, 2016 - 2 like this
  • Pastor, David Elliott
    Pastor, David Elliott Truth is what is and there can only be one truth. Truth is what happens, anything else is something else. Only people can change, the truth cannot. Are we ( you or I ) smart enough to recognize truth when we see it? If a ball is kicked, then it is kicked....  more
    February 16, 2016 - 1 likes this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel Yes and No, for the most part you have the same abilities, but as far as marriages, ect, it is state and county specific. Though ULC is highly recognized over the years, there still may be some problems in some areas, so you may want to check with your lo...  more
    February 17, 2016 - 1 likes this