Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

James McGraw

In Your Image

  •  I want to preface this blog by explaining the view that I am coming from:

    I believe there is a higher divine power. It exists in ways we can only begin to dream of. I believe that mankind has experienced intense enlightenment with this being, and as time progresses we follow the pendullum's sway with our closeness to It.

    I also believe that religions sprung up as a result of mankind's spirituality and connection with the Divine. I believe that the faith groups of the world each have a snapshot of the Divine, however blurred it may have become over time. With the help of my Brothers and Sisters, I want to piece together the best image of that Divine I can by looking through each others eyes.

    I was raised in a Christian background, but I am continuing to explore other faiths to see what they have learned. So, please answer from whatever faith base you have, but remember: I'm looking at something that transcends all faiths, not something that is exclusive to them.


    That said, here is what I want to discuss:

    In the Bible, God makes man in his own image, in his likeness. I don't interpret that to mean that the Divine has two arms, two legs, a head, eyes, etc. God is a god of Love, Peace, Mercy, Anger, etc. Being made in his likeness, we are beings capable of Love, Peace, Anger, etc. That is the aspect of the Divine in us.

    Look around you in culture. When people lose their connection with others, when we lose our ability to feel each other emotionally, we are often labeled as having "lost our humanity." It is inhumane to indescriminantly kill. Those who develop a warlust are usually considered cold, detached, and removed from humanity. Only fellow warmongers can connect with them (a lingering and perverted mockery of the connection the Divine gave us).

    I submit that this ability to feel and these emotions are the Divine's finger on our soul. That touch of humanity is the touch of Divinity.

    Does this make sense? Can you see where I am coming from? Does this resonate with your inner being? Do you have knowledge, scripture, or any inspired writing to complement this?

    Perhaps I am off, where have I erred?