Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Sara Williams

Wandering Ministers

  • To all Shepard's (Ministers) I am a Wandering Minister. Spending my life thus far studying all facets of Spirituality that I could access. From east coast to the Alaskan coast I have traveled and experienced much. The people cry in pain and fear. It is hard to find guidance when religion and spirituality are part time accessible. (In seeking help you must follow these hours. ) No matter the path of spirituality you choose to follow, they all teach to help thy neighbor. So many feel alone. They may not need for you to preach to them, just give an ear. We are the ministers of the people. I have no building. I wander the streets. Those who need me, find their way to ask for my ear. Just to have someone whom will not judge, but to allow them to release the troubles inside. We are the eyes and ears of the great spirits, we are the heart of the mother, and we are the hands of the Creator. We are to help and heal all that we can. I call out to any who will listen. Take to the streets and help each other. Step outside of the building you call a church and show the world we are here to help all who need no matter where they come from. Even if you are not of the same belief you can still lend a caring ear. Blessed Be Priestess Sara