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Br. E.G. Carriere

Verse of the day - Psalm 78:72

  • David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.  Psalm 78:72

    One of the greatest honors and responsibilities a Christian leader can have is to be designated a pastor or shepherd in God's family. While only a few truly qualify biblically to be recognized as shepherds over God's flock (see Acts 20; 1Tim 3; Titus 1), a shepherding concern for others is important for all of us.

    Let's demand that those who are selected as our Shepherds have the integrity of heart and proven skill in caring for people. And when they lead, let's give them our support in effort, prayer, and ministry.

    O Great Shepherd, I fervently pray that you will raise up great leaders in your church who will shepherd your sheep with integrity and godly skill. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.