Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

John Anderson, CD, CIF Mons ON

7 Jan 2021 Sun Calendar

  • Calendar of the Sun
    7 Wolfmonath
    Justicia I: Themis's Day
    Color: Blue
    Element: Air
    Altar: Upon a blue cloth place three candles, a goblet of white wine, and any book related to the study of social rules.
    Offerings: Go out into the community and do service.
    Daily Meal: All food must be ethically and sustainably grown.
    Invocation to Themis
    Call: Lady of the All-Seeing Eyes,
    Response: Advisor to Kings and God-Kings,
    Call: Themis Eubolos, Good Counselor,
    Response: You who are always on the winning side,
    Call: Guardian of Propriety and Civic Duty,
    Response: Lady of the Public Assembly,
    Call: Keeper of Order,
    Response: Builder of Correct Ceremony,
    Call: Teacher of the Discipline of Graciousness,
    Response: You who know the value of Procedure,
    Call: Mother of Rules,
    Response: Mother of Justice,
    Call: Mother of Peace,
    Response: From you sprang the Hours,
    Call: From you sprang the Graces,
    Response: From you sprang the foundation of our Order.
    Call: You who took pity on humanity
    Response: And showed them how to save themselves
    Call: With the bones of their Mother,
    Response: Creating life from stone,
    Call: Show us, too, the proper way of things,
    Response: That we might always honor your name.
    All: Hail Themis!
    (Pour out the libation and all exit. Immediately upon leaving the service, go out into the community and do some visible service in Themis's name.)


    Pagan Book of Hours
    Order of the Horae
    First Kingdom Church of Asphodel