Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev.Dr.Vickie Fothen

Everyone has the call!

  • So few people hear the call to their higher self or even act on it. The call to your higher self is always singing out to you. You must act on that call in order to raise your vibrations and become your heaven on earth. To do this you must meditate and bring your physical body where the energy is already being transmitted. Yes, your soul transmits with the Spirit of God through the silence, as we know it to be now meditation. That call that says, “Be still and know I am your God” Psalm 46:10. Don’t wait!

    If you want heaven on this planet earth then you will need to start to manifest this now! There is no more time to contemplate! Chose Love Now! If you want, the world to change you must change It! You must start with yourself! This is why there are you are Here! How can one make a difference? Have you not been listening? Your power is infinite! Your thoughts and intentions will echo into eternity! One seed planted now is in your hands! It’s not insignificant if you plant it!

    That same seed grows into a larger picture giving love, hope, and a place to call home to an array of heavenly living beings! Plant your seed! Moreover, your Love will touch us all! Your will, your thought, and your intent are limited only by the Love you fill it with! Turn off your TV! Start to eat nature’s living food! Shine your Light! In addition, Heaven will come for you!