Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev.Dr.Vickie Fothen

Joyfully picture what you want and it is yours!

  • It is because God loves you so much that you are here to experience life and its survival in the Presence with the emotion of joy.  Because this emotion is the key….the key….the key …to your law of attraction…and that is why this state of emotion....yes…. joy…emotion….so that you can attract into your life what you want.  Beatitudes and gratitude is key emotions of attraction and all that is positive emotions brings forth the law of attraction. 

    Then like a movie picture screen in front of you or thinking in your head your must picture it with these……. Positive……..pictures…….

    To bring it into action you must first make the picture of it so that it becomes so real that it inspires you into action that will lead you to that picture. When you have a picture of you in your life, experience projected into the future that future you will come back into your now to guide you inspire you or motivate you into action to lead you to that ultimate of what you seek.  Most try to action it into your life it does not work but if you picture it first the picture will inspire you to action then that action will always be action enjoyed.  The joy you feel comes from within and much more that the physical being it is experienced from the greater you or your higher being.  This experience is much more satisfying than any other experience. At the same time there is an enter part of you that exist and the inner part of you communicates with you through your emotions.  When you state that you want something, your inner being will guide you towards it.

    Through positive emotions, the positive emotions of love joy peace or happiness or enthusiasm those emotions come forth from your inner being to help you to know that you are on the path of what you are seeking. Just as the annoying ager, negative emotions are in your inner being to let you know you are not on the path of what you seek.   Therefore, if you vision yourself in your future and focus on it long enough that by law of attraction you will receive a greater clarity about it.   So much that you release positive emotion that picture of you that literal creation that you have launched will reach back and inspire you to action so much so that every being in that picture will inter react letting you know that .

    The keys to achieving what you want are your positive emotions towards what you want as list:  Love, joy, desire, excitement, trust, pleasure, bliss, deserving, gratitude, and happiness.

    When you are wanting and that what you are currently thinking or acting   and speaking.  Understand that as you have this guidance within you and as you set forth, your deliberate statement of what you will, you will experience a guidance beyond anything you have ever known and it is fiefs within you right now. Your guidance comes forth from within, it is that you can trust always for it is the guidance and the harmony between your wanting, what you are currently thinking, or acting or speaking.

    You should understand that as you have this guidance with in you and as you set forth your deliberate statement of what you want, you will never take a step, you never take an action, you will speak a word, and you will never think a thought without knowing whether that thought word or action is helping you toward what you are wanting or hindering you. That is why we say you are here to experience delicious physical experience in joy and   Physical survival in joy.   You have always had this power.

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13