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Rev.Dr.Vickie Fothen

The Pure Life of God Flows Through Me

  • In Scripture, the divine life combined with divine substance is termed "the Lamb of God." This phrase carries the symbology of the Lamb's purity, innocence, and guilelessness. Its nature is to vivify with perpetual life all things that it touches. It knows only to give, give unceasingly and eternally, without restraint. It does not carry wisdom; that is another quality of Being, which man comprehends from a different part of his consciousness.

    The pure life of God flows into man's consciousness through the spiritual body, and is sensed by the physical at a point in the loins. This is the "river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of
    the throne of God and of the Lamb," referred to in the 22d chapter of Revelation. Only those who have come into consciousness of the spiritual body can feel this holy stream of life.

    Many feel its thrills in part in silent meditation or in religious enthusiasm, and are temporarily stimulated by its exquisite vibrations. Just here is where the danger lies for those who have not brought out the other pole of Being-intelligence.

    The ego, through its recognition of this life stream, sets it flowing to every faculty. Being by nature formless, the life stream takes the mold and character of that into which it is poured. It is the servant of the ego, the I, which man is, and through his failure to recognize the divine intelligence, which should show him how to use it in the right way, he blunders ahead in his ignorance, and the Lamb of
    God is slain from the foundation of the world.

    The greatest danger of perversion lies in the direction of the carnal thought of sex, because it is there that this pure stream has been most foully polluted by ignorance. Sex sensation has made a broken cistern of man's consciousness; for generations the life stream has been turned into this receptacle, and lust has robbed the bodies of the whole race, making them mere shells, void of life. The failing eye, the deaf ear, the festering of withering flesh, all bear testimony to this perversion of God's life.

    Yet men and women, otherwise applying good reason, continue their lustful practices and at the same time wonder why God does not give them more life.

    The human race on this planet will continue to die and be reborn until it learns the law of right living, which will ultimate in a body so healthy that it will never die. Jesus demonstrated this, and He promised those who should follow Him in the regeneration that
    they would never see death if they should keep His words. Many Christians are getting this understanding-that they have not attained eternal life so long as they allow the body to continue in the corruption that ends in death, and they are earnestly beginning
    the appropriation, or eating and drinking, of the life and substance of the Lord's body, until He appears again in their regeneration organism.