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Rev.Dr.Vickie Fothen

In Healing Christ is the only true foundation.

  • The person, who is always in a state of worry and anxiety, is another phase of selfish blindness to truth is represented by those in anticipation of loss, of misfortune, of accident always on the verge of some calamity that will surely come if he is faithful with his fears. What is being done is putting your mind to other than the Spirit of God puts your goals to the wrong idea and your conscious mind works with the subconscious mind because you dwell on it to actualization. Like Job, the very thing he feared happens. We may be honest and upright in is dealings, and pious and Godly as he understands Godliness, but the same false ideas have held them in bondage to fear, and they will finally succumb to nervous prostration. Then the Dr. will dose him with morphine to stupefy his senses, because he does not know what ails him. He never dreams that confidence in God, and a realization of his own divine rights, would restore the nerves to their normal state.

    The feeling of grief and depression because of some fancied wrong, or because your feelings are hurt, is purely selfish, and frequently culminates in sick headaches and finally in spinal troubles if continued persistently.

    The business people whose cares and perplexities have robbed them of their rest.  Worried them into a state of distraction and despair
    and final prostration, generally goes to his physician for advice, and although the Doctor admits that the great mental strain has been the predisposing cause of their prostration, he will dose them with the most nauseating drugs, as if that would set his mind at rest. He will put the medicine in the stomach that is to act upon the mind to restore courage and tranquility and judgment.

    According to physics, this is a very wise proceeding. According to metaphysics, it is a very foolish one, because this is false belief that steals your health.

    Christ is the Truth, because Christ is the only true foundation.