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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Preparing For Your Marriage

    Monday, March 27, 2017

    Most congregations have premarital counseling. Marriage is sacred, thus, ministers counsel the couple on how to prepare for married life. Preparation makes a big difference. Premarital preparation has been shown to greatly increase the chances of having a successful marriage. So too, there's a wedding coming for every true believer - the wedding of God and us. Heaven is married life, but you can't prepare for heaven in heaven. The only time you have to prepare for heaven, as for a marriage is now. This whole life on earth is premarital, and the wise person spends their time preparing for the marriage to come. The only time you have to store up your treasures in heaven is now. Life's joys, sorrows, victories, and losses are all to prepare you for the marriage so that you might become beautiful and spotless. Don't lose sight of the reason you're here. Remember, it's th e only time you have to prepare for eternity. It will never happen again - so, use it wisely. Use everything in your earthly life to prepare for heavenly life, because heaven is the marriage and this entire life is your premarital course.
    From Message #405 - Khatunah

    Scripture: Eph. 5:32

    TODAY'S MISSION - Treat every situation today as a class in Heaven's premarital course.

    Rabbi Joanthan Cahn