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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Tent Of The Moed

    Friday, May 12, 2017

    The Tabernacle was the place of God's dwelling, where He met with His people and where Moses encountered God face to face. In Hebrew, it was called the Ohel - Tent of Moed, meaning The Meeting or The Fixed Time. If you want to meet with God, you have to have a Tent of Moed. You need to set an appointed time to be with God - where you stop everything else and just dwell in His presence. It can't be something you throw in while you're doing other things. If you don't set an appointed time, the world and your busyness will push it aside. It can't be a Tent of 'Whenever I Feel Like' or a Tent of 'When I Have The Time For It.' You need to give God your best, a fixed period of appointed time, every day, whether you feel like it or not. Just dwell in His presence until you do feel like it. Make Him first and give Him your best, give Him your appointed time. You won't be disap pointed. For He will show up and indwell with His glory in your Tent of Moed, your Tent of the Appointed Time.
    From Message #729 - The Mishkan K

    Scripture: James 4:8

    TODAY'S MISSION - Set aside a portion of each day, away from worldly distractions, to spend entirely with God. And let that time be the center and the joy of your day.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn