Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Duped By The Stuffed Bear
    Thursday, July 5, 2018
    When I was growing up the carnival would come to town every year. They had games that were rigged to make it nearly impossible to win the prize. They had a basketball with a hoop so small that it was almost impossible to get the ball into it. But hoping to win a stuffed bear for my mother, I made attempt after attempt to win the prize – each time shelling out more money. People tried to stop me, but I would not be stopped. I finally won, and it only cost me $34.00… for a stuffed bear that cost about .50¢ to produce! So, too, there are a lot of pursuits in life that are not worth winning. You might be striving for success, money, position or possessions but losing everything that’s truly valuable in the process. Don’t strive to win a worldly victory that will end up making you lose your family, your marriage, your peace, your intimacy, and life with God. Give up that empty pursuit, and find your peace with God… or you could end up paying $34.00 to win a stuffed animal that’s only worth .50¢.
    From Message #673 - The Pyrrhic Victories
    Scripture: Psalm 34:14
    TODAY'S MISSION - Today, put aside any pursuit that is not of God and is fruitless. Pursue Him.
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn