Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Only God Can Make What Was Become What Never Was
    Wednesday, June 12, 2019
    How does wine become wine? Wine, by definition, is aged. Good wine takes years to age. The first recorded miracle Messiah did was to turn water into wine, and not just any wine, but good wine. God made the wine complete with age, complete with a past that didn’t exist before. God is able to even touch the past. It is written, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” God can even change the past. How? How can the living God die? It’s all a miracle. If God can die on a cross for our sins, then the past can be changed, and your sins become as white as snow. In the world, the future is bound to the past. But for you in Messiah, that has all changed. Therefore, be no longer bound to anything of the past, to no sin, no shame, no sorrow, no abuse, no rejection, no failure, and no darkness. For in Messiah, your past is as white as snow – just as the water has turned to wine.
    From Message #1273 - The Days Of Return
    Scripture: Psalm 32:1
    TODAY'S MISSION - Today, do not allow anything from your past to hinder your walk. Put it under the blood of Messiah, and live as if it never was.
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn