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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Law Of The Jungle & The Lamb
    Wednesday, June 19, 2019
    Charles Darwin based his theory of evolution on the law of “the survival of the fittest.” It’s basically the same as the “law of the jungle.” It states a truism: that which survives is that which is most fit to survive – or the strongest survive. Darwin’s law came “Social Darwinism,” which states that the fittest or strong humans, or races, or nations, are those which survive. Out of such theories came Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood, as well as Hitler who attempted to destroy the Jewish people in the name of a German master race. The world, in many ways, does function after the law of the jungle. But we go by the law of the Lamb – which states that, in the end, it’s not the strongest who prevail – but the good. Messiah gave His life as a Lamb – and yet his life has become the most powerful, prevailing, and world-changing life ever lived. So don’t seek to be the strongest or the most forceful – seek to be good and holy – and, in the end, you will prevail – in the law of the Lamb.
    From Message #1279 - The Tender Shepherd
    Today's Mission
    Today, don’t live by the law of self, survival, and the jungle. Live by the law of the Lamb. Seek not to be the strongest, but to be the best and holy.
    Scripture: John 14:15
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn