Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayers

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord,
    My Rock of Spiritual Refreshment, I'm thirsty.
    I'm thirsty for Your Living Water of life, for Your anointing on my life and ministry.
    Please increase my hunger for Your Word and for Your will.
    Please keep my heart humble and strengthen my commitment to Your ways.
    I need my heart's desire to be for You.
    I want more of You, God.
    Please forgive my frailties and strengthen my spirit.
    Help me to feel Your presence and to experience Your power as never before.
    Please shine through me to bless the lost and dying world around me, for their blessing and for Your glory.
    Please shower me with Your blessings so that I may share them with others, and be a blessing to You.
    In Jesus' name, I pray,