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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Jewish People & The Sabbath Mystery
    Friday, August 2, 2019
    Here is a mystery concerning the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the appointed Holy day that the Jewish people gather on to honor God. It doesn’t come at the beginning of the week – or in the middle of the week. The Sabbath comes at the end of the week on the seventh day. In just this alone is a profound\r\nmystery. The Jewish people will come to the Lord, they will return to Him. But it will not happen at the beginning of the age, nor in the middle of the age. It will happen at the end of the age. The Jewish people will return to God as a whole, and to their Messiah, Yeshua, at the end of the age. When they come to the Lord, then the world will know the Sabbath. Their coming to the Messiah ushers in the Age of the Sabbath, the Millennium. So don’t be discouraged if your Jewish friends are not yet coming to Messiah. They will. And the fact that the fight is so great is because the stakes are so high. Keep witnessing. Keep praying. For when they come, the Sabbath comes.
    From Message #1315 - The Seven Millennium Mystery VI
    Scripture: Heb. 4:9
    TODAY'S MISSION - Today, keep witnessing and keep praying for the Jewish people to come to their Messiah.
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn