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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Aliyah In All Seasons
    Wednesday, September 18, 2019
    The Israelites were called to make a journey to Jerusalem, three times a year, first in spring for the Passover, second in early summer for Shavuot or Pentecost, and lastly in the autumn for Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. In other words, the people of God were called to journey to Jerusalem in every season of the sacred year – at all times. And no matter where you lived, in order to journey to Jerusalem, you had to go up. Thus the journey was called “the Aliyah” or “the going up.” You, too, are called to “go up.” But not just once when you come to the Lord, and not just occasionally when you make big decisions for the Lord, but in all seasons. The Lord calls you to journey upward at all times, in every season of your life and walk, and in every circumstance. Thus, make it your commitment every day to go up and always choose the higher path. In doing that, your life will be headed only for glory – for you are called to make aliyah in every season.
    From Message #1360 - The Aliyah Mystery
    Scripture: Isaiah 2:3
    TODAY'S MISSION - Today, choose the path and step that will take you upward to higher ground.
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn