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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • You Can Never See What Is
    Tuesday, October 29, 2019
    You never see things as they are – only as they were. In order to see anything in this world, the light from the object you’re perceiving has to reach your eye. Then the light has to be translated into electric impulses, which then have to travel to your brain. Then your brain has to distinguish what it is, and all that takes time. So the truth is, you never see anything as it is – only as it was. But truth can never be something simply that was. It must be true now. So then how can you truly see the truth? By not going by your eyes, by sight, but by living through faith and in the Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit walk in the newness of life. It’s never old. It’s never simply what was – but what is. It’s new. So never limit yourself by going on what you see or feel. That’s all old – and it’s no longer true. Go by faith. Live by the Spirit. And you’ll walk in the newness of life and in the Truth.
    From Message #1401 - We Didn’t Even Know
    Today's Mission
    Today, let go of the past and that which is old and live by faith in the newness of what is.
    Scripture: Romans 6:4
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn