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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Enemy’s Soil Depletion
    Wednesday, December 4, 2019
    Matthew 13 calls the Word of God “good seed.” God sows good words – good seed. But the enemy sows bad words – bad seed. As God sows seeds of life, the enemy will seek to sow seeds of death and darkness: doubt, despair envy, lust. A seed planted in soil takes root, and receives its nourishment from the soil – or in the case of a spiritual seed – it receives its life from the one who gives it room. So when you give room to the enemy – whether in bitterness, lust, fear – that bad seed begins to take root in your life. From then on, it begins to use up what’s in its soil. In other words, just as a seed depletes the soil, so does the seed or word of the enemy, if you give it room, it will start depleting things from your life, depleting your energy, your time, your focus, and your first love for God. So the next time the enemy seeks to sow that ungodly seed into your mind or heart – don’t let him – and your life and your walk-in God won’t end up depleted.
    From Message #1437 - The Secret of Unsowing

    Scripture: Mark 4:20

    TODAY'S MISSION - Seek today to reject all seeds of the enemy – cut it off when it’s just a thought. Sow the Word and blessings of God into your mind and heart.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn