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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Direction Of The Spirit
    Wednesday, January 15, 2020
    The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah reveals a spiritual picture of the marriage of the Son, Messiah, with the Bride, the Church. Notice that the father (Abraham) sends his servant to find the bride and to lead her back. The servant is a picture of the Holy Spirit, who finds the bride and leads her to the kingdom. In what direction does the servant lead the bride? Sonward – to the son. The servant led Rebekah to Isaac. That was the only direction that mattered. You now are the Bride of the Son. So in what direction is the Spirit going to lead you? The direction of the Son. The Spirit will always lead you into the direction of being closer to Messiah. And you, as the bride must make that your aim, in everything you do. Your life is not about any other direction or any other goal – You have one direction – to the Son. Only take those steps in the direction of the Son. And only take the step that will lead you closer. For your life has been given only one direction … Sonward!
    From Message #1415 - The Isaac/Rebekah Wedding Mystery I
    Today's Mission
    Today, show God that you are wholly sold out for Him and His purposes in your life. Live this day and every moment within it – Sonward!
    Scripture: Psalm 23:3
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn