Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Woman Who Lit Up A Hospital
    Monday, March 2, 2020
    I knew an amazing woman of God, who was hospitalized with terminal cancer and suffered great pain. Still, she was filled with love and peace and never complained. The supervisor and head nurse of the hospital was a very hard woman. Yet, she was drawn to this woman who radiated God’s love. The nurse sat with her, washed her, and was ministered to by her. When my friend went home to the Lord, she left gifts to be given to the hospital. When the gifts were delivered, they found that the head nurse and the whole hospital had been completely changed by the presence of this saint in her last days. Instead of cursing her situation she had shone the light of God. Never let your circumstances define who you are. Before you curse your valley, look for the reason why you’re there. Maybe others in the valley need God. So don’t be overcome by circumstances. Be encouraged and overcome by the presence of God. Because in every circumstance of your journey, it should end up in some way transformed by the fact that you are in it.
    From Message #1183 – Unbound
    Today's Mission
    Today, no matter what, be the light of your circumstances, your situation, your world, and to everyone you meet – shine!
    Scripture: Matthew 5:16
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn