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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The First Steps Of The Sacrifice
    Monday, March 9, 2020
    In ancient Israel, when a sacrifice was offered up, there was a required set procedure. The first part was called the Hikriv, which means, the bringing near of the sacrifice. The sacrifice had to be brought near to the priest or into the dominion of the priest whose duty it was to perform the sacrifice. Messiah was brought to the house of Caiaphas, and before the Sanhedrin, because the sacrifice had to be brought into the dominion of the priests to perform the Hikriv. Messiah is the sacrifice – and those who have the sacrifice must perform the Hikriv. They must bring Him near. Bring Messiah near to every part of your life, near to your hearts, near to your sin, near to your emotions, near to your past, near to your wounds, your secret things, your dreams – everything. The whole point is that the sacrifice has to be brought near. Bring Messiah near to that part of your life that’s been distant – for that is where the blessing is.
    From Message #1194 - Footsteps On The Altar
    Today's Mission
    Today, bring the Lord into every part of your life – especially those parts that have been distant, the wounds, the secrets, the shame, the ungodly part. Perform your Hikriv.
    Scripture: Hebrews 10:2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn