Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Blessings Of Haman
    Tuesday, March 10, 2020
    Purim is the Jewish holiday named by the enemy of the Jewish people. Purim means the casting of lots. Haman decided to cast lots to establish the day for the destruction of the Jewish people. God redeemed them, and they made a holiday out of it. You think they would have changed the name, but they didn’t, they called it by exactly that, to remember the failed plan of God’s enemy. Don’t be afraid of the plans of your enemy. We have a faith that can deal with problems and overcome them. Purim reminds us that whatever evil attempts to do, we have something greater than evil. When we celebrate Purim, we are bearing witness that God is greater than the problem. We celebrate that what the enemy planned for evil in our lives, God will turn it for good. If you follow God, your problem will become a victory. What looks like defeat will become a celebration. You can smile at the days to come. For every trial, tribulation, and the problem will end up as Haman’s holiday – a triumph of the good and the victory that God brought you.
    From Message #602 - The Purim
    Today's Mission
    Today, whatever problem you deal with, don’t just see the problem, but look beyond for the good purpose God will use it for.
    Scripture: Esther 9:28
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn