Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Blessing Of His Rod
    Monday, April 6, 2020
    King David refers to the Lord as his Shepherd with a rod and a staff that comfort him. It’s comforting for sheep to know that the shepherd is able to defend them because there are wolves out there. But the rod and staff are not only for wolves, but also for the sheep; to be corrected, and pulled out of danger. We need the Lord’s rod to defend us from the evil one and to correct us. Parents who don’t correct their child are sinning against that child’s life. God is a good Father who loves you and corrects you. He has to correct you because a child who doesn’t have anyone correcting them is an orphan. Don’t be discouraged when you’re corrected. Rejoice in it and be encouraged. Because His rod is a sign that you’re not an orphan. You’re a child of a loving Father and a sheep of a loving Shepherd. His love protects you from the danger of the wolf, and from your own sins and mistakes. Thank God for His rod and staff, for as they comforted David, they will comfort you.
    From Message #932 - Fat on the Bones
    Today's Mission
    Today, rejoice in the rod of God, all the times and ways He corrected you. Be comforted, you have a Father who loves you.
    Scripture: Hebrews 12:6
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn