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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The 70 A.D. Proof Of Messiah
    Friday, April 24, 2020
    The prophet Daniel prophesied that the Messiah would come to Jerusalem and then “the city and the sanctuary” (the Temple) would be destroyed. It all came to pass in 70 AD. So Israel’s Messiah had to come before that moment. The Rabbis have followed other people claiming to be the Messiah and observant Jews are still waiting for Messiah. But the cut-off date was already given and there’s only one contender in all of human history: born in Bethlehem, rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and died for our sins – all according to Hebrew prophecy. And He did it all before the year 70 AD. And yet for 2000 years, Messiah’s own people have still been searching. We can be like that too. Even though you know the Lord you can still be searching for your fulfillment through other things in a million other ways. But God’s made it clear. There’s only one way you can be fulfilled. Joy, peace, and true blessing are only found in Him. There are no other contenders. Get your eyes back on Him. He’s still the One, even for you, there’s no one else.
    From Message #2205 The Mystery of the Seventieth Seven
    Today's Mission
    Today, put your thoughts and actions towards being fulfilled in the One who has no contenders.
    Scripture: Matthew 11:25
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn