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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Dwelling And The Glory
    Wednesday, April 29, 2020
    Messiah said He will only return to the world when His people say “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.” For that to happen the Jewish people had to return from the ends of the earth to the land of Israel and dwell there. Psalm 37:3 says “dwell” in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Only when the Jewish people dwell in the land can Messiah return to dwell with them. Do you want God to come down and His glory to fill your life? Then learn the secret of dwelling. When you dwell with God, God will dwell with you. To dwell means, to wait in His presence not just occasionally praying. It means meditating on and soaking in His goodness instead of rushing all over the place. Are you living in the blessings of God that He has for your life? If not, chances are the reason is in the word dwell. Because the Lord’s will is to dwell with you and have His glory dwell in your life. When you learn the secret of the word dwell. If you dwell, He will come.
    From Message #974 – Dwell
    Today's Mission
    Today, spend time entering the deepness of His presence, receiving of His glory.
    Scripture: Matthew 23:39
    Psalm 37:3
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn