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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Trees Of The Righteous
    Tuesday, May 12, 2020
    Yad Vashem is the Holocaust memorial in Israel. Outside of it is a beautiful path of trees called, “The Avenue of the righteous of the Nations.” Every tree is named after a Gentile who saved Jewish lives in the Holocaust. During the Holocaust, those who did evil were in power and seemed like the unstoppable wave of the future. Those who did righteously, who hid Jews and risked their lives, were in the minority. Their cause looked hopeless yet, in the end, those in power ended up in defeat; being killed, taking their own lives, or living as hunted fugitives with the shame of what they did forever. But those who did right yet seemed weak ended up as heroes. No matter how powerful evil looks, or how unstoppable it may seem even as immorality seems to be the wave of the future, still in the end evil will perish. And no matter how weak the cause of the righteous seems, you who do right will be lifted up. The righteous will shine as the stars of heaven. And in heaven, all these trees will blossom in the avenue of the righteous.
    From Message #1019 - The Samaritan’s Choice
    Today's Mission
    Today, share the Gospel with someone that needs the Lord. Don’t worry if they accept or reject. Just do the right thing.
    Scripture: Psalm 1:5-6
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn