Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Scripture and Reflections

  • Jesus: A Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word
    And He said to them, “What things?”
    And they said to Him,
    “The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth,
    who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word
    before God and all the people.”
    Luke 24:19
    God sent prophets to speak His message, but many times people wouldn’t accept their message. So some prophets predicted the future to give them credibility; other prophets did miracles to get people to believe their message. The Bible describes these “prophets…who have…predicted signs or miracles” (Deuteronomy 13:1-2). Just as God’s prophets in the Old Testament came with supernatural predictions and miracles, so Jesus came doing supernatural things as He preached to the multitudes. Jesus was a Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word.
    Lord Jesus, I believe in the miracles recorded in the Bible. Lord Jesus, I believe the truth You spoke in sermons. But I mostly believe because You came into my heart and saved me.
    Jesus did miracles for many reasons. He healed because He had compassion for those who suffered. He did supernatural acts to demonstrate His deity. Jesus did signs and wonders because the Old Testament predicted the Messiah would do them. Jesus worked miracles so His disciples and others would believe in Him. Jesus did miracles because it’s only natural for God to do the supernatural. Today, let Jesus speak to you as a Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word who has God’s message for you. Today, let Jesus do something supernatural for you.
    Jesus, thank You for doing miracles while on earth; they give credibility to Your message. But, thank You for the miracles of my new nature and spiritual sight. Amen.
    Go Deeper: Luke 24:13-35
    Jesus did miracles to give credibility to His sermons and His claims of Deity.