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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Messiah, His Pouring Name
    Thursday, June 11, 2020
    Today's Hebrew word is "Shemen," which means OIL. In the Song of Solomon, the bride says to the bridegroom, "Your name is like Pure Oil." It means that the bride is so much in love with the bridegroom that she finds his name to be as gentle, soothing, and lovely on her lips as oil. The Bible says "you're the Bride and Yeshua, Jesus, is your Bridegroom." The name of your Beloved needs to be on your lips in the same way. His name, Christ, comes from Messiah or Mashiach, which also comes from the root word for oil. But there's something even deeper here. The word translated in English as Pure, literally means "Pouring." It says, "Your name is like Pouring oil." His name is to be always pouring forth. It doesn't say, "Your name is like oil that has already been poured out." To really know the name of the Lord, it needs to be pouring forth from your heart and from your lips - not yesterday, not tomorrow, but Now. Let the Name Above All Names pour out. That's when you'll know the power of the Name that is like pouring oil.
    From Message #289 - Like Pure Oil
    Today's Mission
    In your worship time today, speak out from your mouth and pour out from your heart, the Name that is above any other name. Let it flow like pouring oil.
    Scripture: Song of Solomon 1-3
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn