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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


    Wednesday, July 1, 2020
    Shalom, to my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...
    I opened up the year in January speaking of the signs that pointed to 2020 being a dramatic year, as in shaking. This year has truly been all that, undoubtedly the most dramatic year of our lifetimes. There has never been a global lockdown, the world coming to a standstill since the beginning of human history. I've been led also from the start of the year to call for intensive prayer and supplication and repentance - for revival. That it was a life or death issue. And most of you now know of The Return, the National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance - set for the 10 days of awe in September (beginning with the Feast of Trumpets) and centering on September 26, (Saturday) on the National Mall in Washington and around the country and world. Long before 2020 began, I believed that it would be both a year of shaking and a year in which God was calling for revival.
    I was recently re-reading The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America's Future - the first book I was led to write. In the chapter entitled 'Things to Come,' I was to write about the pattern of shakings that would come upon the nation that had once known God but now turned away and has received its first warning. I am speaking of America in the years after 9/11. I spoke of the different kinds of shakings that come upon such a nation, calamities of the natural world, and calamities made or initiated by man. I was led, in that section, to connect the coming shaking to 'the crown.' The word 'crown' comes from the word 'corona.'
    In that same section, I was led to write of an ancient template of judgment. The pattern concerned the time period from the nation's first shaking - through the strike of the enemy to the next great shaking. The years I gave for Israel were 605 B.C. to 586 B.C. The next great shaking comes 19 years after the first. In the case of America, the first shaking, the strike of the enemy, came on 9/11, 2001. 19 years later is the year 2020. And so shaking has come. That was one of several reasons, I set this year as a year of prayer, repentance, and for revival. I cannot say that this will be the only shaking. There's much more to say. I will continue this in the next issue.
    In the meantime, stay safe, stay in God's presence, stay moving forward in God, and stay strong! And may God greatly bless you this month as you do!
    See Message: The Harbinger I
    Scripture: Colossians 4:2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn