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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Getting The Flow Of Your Poem
    Tuesday, August 18, 2020
    In Ephesians, it says in the original Greek, "For we are His poema." From "poema" we get our English word "poem." If you're born again your life is now a work of God - a poem of heaven. One of the things that defines a poem is flow. If your life is to be a poem of God, it's got to flow. It's got to have harmony, a rhyme and a reason -- a flow. The nature of the Spirit is to make your life flow. The nature of sin is to take away the flow of your life. The more sin in your life, the less your life will be the poem it's supposed to be. It's easy to lose the flow through sin. If you want your life to be beautiful, then you have to get the flow back into it. And if you want the flow back, then you have to get back into the flow of the Spirit. Repent of sin or else it just won't flow. When you commit your life to living and walking by the Spirit, your life will be as beautiful as a poem from heaven.
    From Message #287- Poem Of God
    Today's Mission
    Seek to flow today in God's flowing. Let the Spirit lead everything you do and go with the flow.
    Scripture: Galatians 5:16
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn