Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayers

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Almighty God,
    Jesus tells us...
    "But I say to you, love your enemies,
    bless those who curse you,
    do good to those who hate you,
    and pray for those who spitefully use you
    and persecute you."
    Matthew 5:44
    Through the enabling of your Holy Spirit, I will do this.
    Please remind me to pray instead of complaining, to pray instead of getting angry, to pray instead of feeling sorry for myself.
    I pray now for all the people I have relationships within my family, neighborhood, workplace, church, and school, that you would use me to help them to come to know you.
    Please use me to draw them to you.
    Thank you for your love and patience.
    In Jesus' name, I pray.