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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Mars Hill Secret
    Tuesday, September 22, 2020
    In Athens, Paul saw all the idols and altars to the false gods of Greece and, as a Jew, he was grieved in spirit. When he spoke on Mars Hill, he didn't dwell on all their false gods. Nor did he write them off as hopeless, or simply condemn them for their paganism. Instead, he found a bridge to reach them, in the form of an altar, the altar to the unknown God. Even with the most ungodly person, there's always a hope, a bridge, a connection. As long as the person is in the image of God, then there's always a hope and a connection. There is always an altar to the unknown God - a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill. Don't write them off as hopeless. But look for the altar, an unmet need, an emptiness, a hurt, a "something". Paul didn't give up until he found it. Do likewise. With every person, even the most ungodly, there's an altar to be found. And with every situation, even the most hopeless, there's an opening for the power of God to come in.
    From Message #845 - A Reaper's Guide
    Think of someone who's lost - Pray for a way to bring them salvation (& be open today to share with anyone the Lord brings you into contact with).
    Scripture: Acts 17:23
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn