Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Overflowing Heart
    Thursday, November 26, 2020
    When we were children, we had to learn how to pour water into a cup. One of the things we had to learn was to stop pouring when the glass was full. The Lord pours His Spirit not into a cup, but into your heart. And He wants you to overflow. Too many believers get filled up with God to a certain point, and then they stop seeking Him. They stop receiving, stop growing, and they stop being open. Could that be you? God never wills to stop pouring or for you to stop receiving. Your life is not a cup that has to stop receiving. God wants you to keep receiving, and then to receive even more. You don't want a cup to overflow. But the spirit must overflow. The way to overflow is to never stop receiving and to never stop seeking more. So never tell God! 'Stop!' Let it pour, let it flow, and let it overflow. For hearts, unlike cups, are only full when they overflow.
    From Message #567 - The Barucha Soul
    Today's Mission
    Start over again with learning all there is about God today, but this time let Him fill you to overflowing.
    Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn