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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Bad Bible Interpretation And The Nazis
    Monday, November 30, 2020
    In Germany, the Protestant Reformation began and the Word of God was lifted up as the sole authority in matters of faith. Later the school of Higher Criticism developed. Higher Criticism said that you can't take the Bible literally - it's the work of man. This weakened the church. By the time Hitler came to power, the church was powerless to stop him or the decay of German culture. Messiah calls His people, the "salt of the earth." He warns us that if we lose our saltiness, we'll be good for nothing but to be thrown out. In Biblical times, salt was used as a preservative to keep food from going rotten. If we're the salt of the earth, then we're the ones responsible for keeping our culture from going rotten. The Church of Germany got away from the Word, from the simplicity of the faith and lost its saltiness. The result was Hitler and a rotten and rotting culture. What about you? Have you gotten away from the Word and away from the simplicity of your faith? Have you lost your saltiness? Get back, my friend. Be salty. The alternative is only rotten.
    From Message #630 - The Kingdom of Broken Croses
    Todays Mission
    Keep it simple today: your faith, when you pray, when you read His word, and when you witness to others.
    Scripture: Matthew 5:13
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn