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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Adequacy of Being Inadequate
    Tuesday, January 5, 2021
    At the beginning of the Book of Acts, before the Holy Spirit descended, it says that the apostles were in prayer. Why? They had just been told to go out and spread the word to all nations. Why did they spend their time in prayer? No doubt they were feeling inadequate. They knew they were weak and needed the power of God desperately. What happened? God poured out His Spirit, His power, and His adequacy. It was no accident. You find it again and again. Moses thought he was too ineloquent, Isaiah thought he was too sinful, and Jeremiah thought he was too young to serve the Lord. God only chooses inadequate people to be His ministers to do great things. If you're not serving the Lord because you don't feel good, holy, able, spiritual, old, or young enough - time to put away that excuse - time to rise to your call. God's call always has an inadequacy clause - that is... The only people who are adequate to minister for God are those who are completely inadequate. Let's do great things for God. Why? Because we're not adequate - but thank God, He is.
    From Message #322 - Peter and Judas
    Today's Mission
    No matter how inadequate you feel in your calling, all the more step out and take that leap of faith today. Know that great things are ahead for you.
    Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:9
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn