Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayers

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,
    I pray for those who are grieving today.
    I pray for those who have lost loved ones.
    I pray for those who have lost relationships.
    I pray for those who have had to surrender their dreams.
    I pray for all who have experienced loss of hope and loss of innocence.
    I pray that You will pour out Your comfort upon those who mourn, who feel broken-down and abandoned.
    As Jesus proclaimed in His Sermon on the Mount...
    Blessed are those who mourn,
    For they shall be comforted.
    Matthew 5:4
    I pray that You will use me today to express Your love and faithfulness to others that I meet.
    I pray that You will use me to speak words of encouragement as a healing balm.
    I pray that Your Holy Spirit would help me to discern when quiet company is the best method of offering comfort and support.
    Help me to value extending comfort and love to others more than my own comfort.
    I pray that You will equip me with the courage and strength required to recognize suffering, and the compassion required to respond to it.
    In Jesus' comforting name I pray,