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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Joy of Willing
    Friday, March 26, 2021
    Believers have a strange idea that if you will something, then it can't be the Spirit. And yet God's word is filled with the opposite. You can't read the Bible without reading the word 'Choose!' You can't get saved without the word 'choose.' It says 'Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.' That takes your will. And that's the Spirit. Some believers think that following God means just going along with the flow. Yes and no. There are different flows - the flow of the Spirit and the flow of the world. In order to serve God you have to choose the flow of the Spirit and you have to choose against the flow of the world. And that requires choice, determination, and decision. So many believers spend their whole lives trying to find the will of God. You want the will of God in your life? Stop asking everyone about it. Choose it. Obey it. Agree on it. Decide it. Will it. And the will of God will be done in your life, on earth, as it is in heaven.
    From Message #572 - The Root of The Righteous
    Today's Mission
    After reading your Bible today, choose one verse to obey and do what you know the will of the Lord is.
    Scripture: Joshua 24:14-15
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn