Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Gandhi's Christian Hope
    Tuesday, May 25, 2021
    In the early twentieth century, people of India were under the rule of the British. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern India, was approached by Lord Irwin, the British viceroy. Irwin asked him what he considered to be the solution to the problems of India and his country. Gandhi took a book and opened it to the Gospel of Matthew, the fifth chapter. He answered, "When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings of Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we shall have solved the problems not only of our countries but those of the whole world." It took a Hindu to remind Christians of the British Empire of the teachings of Messiah and to notice the striking disparity between what many Christians quote on one hand, and how they live their lives on the other. It took a Hindu to remind Christians that Messiah's words are to be applied to every area of our lives and say that if one doesn't do that, one has no business calling oneself by the name of Messiah. Let's conform our lives to Messiah's words, that we may have the honor of being called His disciples.
    From Message #555 - Show-Em
    Today's Mission
    When you read the Bible today, don't take God's words lightly. Take one verse that you've read today and apply it to your life.
    Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn