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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • You Can't buy What's Sold out
    Friday, June 4, 2021
    Were you ever set on buying a certain thing only to be told 'Sorry, we're all sold out.'? We learn a very profound lesson from this; you can't buy that which is sold out. Those who are corrupt try to corrupt others by buying them out. Spiritually, the enemy is trying to buy you out with seduction, lust, money, success, materialism, comfort, all sorts of things. I was once talking to a corporate leader who told me, 'Everyone can be bought. You just have to find their price.' I thought, yes, everyone does have a price. Everyone can be bought. But you can't buy what's sold out. There's only one type of a person who cannot be bought by all the money or all the love and comfort in the world; only one kind of person who cannot be bought by the enemy. That's the one who is sold out for the Lord. You want to be strong and immovable? Be sold out to the one who gave His life to purchase you. And when the enemy comes looking to buy you out, you can say, 'Sorry I'm all sold out.
    From Message #250 The Temptation Of Messiah
    Today's Mission
    Today, allow the Lord to show you an area of your life where the enemy is keeping you distracted from being completely sold out to Messiah, and prayerfully go to work to remove it.
    Scripture: Romans 8:38
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn