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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Mayim of Messiah
    Thursday, June 17, 2021
    Isaiah 12 says, "And in joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation." In Hebrew, the word for salvation is "y'shua," from which you get the Hebrew name "Yeshua," the real name of "Jesus." It says, "And in joy you shall draw water from the wells of Y'shua, or "the wells of Jesus." The Hebrew word for "water," mayim isn't singular, but plural. "And in joy you shall draw waters from the wells of Y'shua." The wells of salvation, the wells of Messiah, aren't filled with water, but with waters. In salvation, there are many waters to drink from. We draw continuously. We shall draw in joy. As there are many waters, there are many joys in salvation. You may have drawn from the wells of salvation years ago and you think that's it. There's no end to the wells of salvation, and no shortage to the waters that come out. Come once again to the wells of Yeshua and anew the new waters of salvation, the mayim which flows newly, every day. You will be refreshed, renewed and overflowing. For the wells of salvation are the mayim of Yeshua.
    From Message #492 - The Divine Pluralities
    Today's Mission
    Sit in the presence of God today. Draw from His never-ending supply of waters of salvation, of love, of joy, of whatever you need and be refreshed and renewed.
    Scripture: Isaiah 12:3
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn