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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • God's Illegal Activities
    Monday, July 19, 2021
    The Supreme Court ruled that kindergarten children can no longer verbalize a prayer of thanksgiving as they partake of their morning snack. The words that the Supreme Court ruled contraband is this: "We thank you for the flowers so sweet; we thank you for the food we eat; we thank you for the birds that sing; we thank you for everything." If one wants to utter thanksgiving to God, one is engaging in illegal activities. Why is this? It must be because prayer and thanksgiving are powerful. So powerful that all the forces of hell, which often influence modern society, tremble before it and war against it to the point of causing it to be declared illegal. Therefore, how much more do you need to be praying and giving thanks? You're going to have to engage in some illegal activity.... illegal in the kingdom of hell. What kind of illegal activity? Treason, arson, larceny? No... Something much more dangerous and powerful... Pray without ceasing and in everything... Give thanks!
    From Message #1406 - The Prayers of Little Children
    Today's Mission
    Do something dangerous to the enemy's kingdom - With every available moment that you have today - praise and thank God for everything in your life.
    Scripture: Psalm 109:29-31
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn